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St. Walburga's Catholic Primary School

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Science helps you to understand the world around you through the specific areas of biology, chemistry and physics. It can be used to explain what is happening, predict how things will behave, notice changes and suggest reasons for them through developing key enquiry skills. It gives you the power to cultivate a sense of excitement and curiosity about your body, your world … and beyond! 


The National Curriculum states that all children develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

  • At St Walburga’s, we use the National Curriculum objectives alongside a bespoke, carefully chosen, selection of key scientists and enquiry questions which consider the cultural capital and reflect the diversity of our learners. Children are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future, creating resilient, life-long learners who are encouraged to ask questions and be curious.
  • Content is delivered through a 6 week learning journey and driven by our ‘I can’ statements; these are used to guide teaching and inform assessment.  These statements are a consolidation of the National Curriculum for each year group and include key concepts which weave throughout the whole curriculum such as Animals including Humans, Plants and Living Things and their Habitats.
  • Our skills, knowledge and vocabulary were developed using Chris Quigley’s Essential skills. Ownership over these developing skills equips children with the scientific rigour required to understand and apply in practical situations and investigations. 
  • Opportunities are provided for children to consolidate their learning across key stages and within units; this aids retention and builds on prior knowledge embedding ‘working scientifically’ skills and key learning. 
  • Teaching is adaptive including appropriate stretch and challenge and allowing all learners to access key learning. 
  • All children receive opportunities for enrichment within science including: visitors and speakers, school trips, themed weeks and competitions. The children enjoy a vibrant and exciting Science Week each year. 

Impact :

The guided scientific exploration appropriately levelled for each child, forms logical, questioning and adaptable scientists. Through modelling of questioning, prediction and conclusion writing, the children become independent, thoughtful and enthusiastic scientists engaged and interested in the world around them. By the end of their scientific journey through school, children should feel emboldened to explore, question and experiment with independence and take a lead in their own learning.

Long Term Plan